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The ATA Correspondence Courses


This comprehensive series of courses can be used for independent study or in conjunction with the ATA’s mentoring program. Students working toward certification will benefit from the progressive structure of the lessons and the written exercises. In addition to learning to read Tarot, you will receive tips on teaching, building a business and writing articles.

Available as printed booklets or downloadable PDF files. Older versions of the course are available on CD or audio tape. The Correspondence Courses are available only to ATA members.


How To Order

Become a member today to order your Correspondence Courses

Introduction to Tarot

Preface – Mentoring Tarot
Tarot 100 – Introduction: Advice for beginners
Tarot 101 – The Pip Cards: Assigning meanings using astrology, elements, numerology
Tarot 102 – The Court Cards: Assigning meanings using rank, astrology, numerology
Tarot 103 – The Major Arcana: Keywords and astrological correspondences
Tarot 104 – Beginning Tarot Spreads: one-, two- & three-card spreads

Intermediate Tarot

Tarot 200 – Introduction
Tarot 201 – Reversals and Dignities: Reversed cards, elemental, numerological & astrological dignities, Tree of Life correspondences
Tarot 202 – How to Write a Code of Ethics
Tarot 203 – Intermediate Tarot Spreads: Five- to ten-card spreads
Tarot 204 – Building a Tarot Business

Advanced Tarot

Tarot 300 – Introduction:
Tarot 301 – Writing Techniques: How to write tarot articles & meditations, book & deck reviews, create your own spreads
Tarot 302 – Advanced Tarot Techniques: Golden Dawn correspondences with Tree of Life, astrology, other metaphysical systems
Tarot 303 – Consulting Techniques: Being a good listener, making referrals
Tarot 304 – Teaching Techniques

Excerpt from: Tarot 104 - Beginning Tarot Spreads One Card Esoteric Spreads

The esoteric approach to tarot spreads is to use the Seven Rays of Discernment, which in modern terminology are the seven basic questions of journalism. These seven rays are:
Ask yourself a question, any question. Make certain the question is about you and not some other person. If your question starts with one of these seven key words, then go through your normal rituals, state the question out loud, write it down in your journal and draw one card.