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About the ATA

The Three of Cups. Image from the Universal Waite Tarot, copyright U.S. Games. Used by permission.

Our Mission

The American Tarot Association is a professional and social organization for Tarot enthusiasts, students, scholars, and readers. We promote the study and appreciation of Tarot by supporting a variety of educational programs. We require a high level of ethics in Tarot readings by asking our members to agree to our published code of ethics. Please feel free to contact any of our Board members with any comments, questions or concerns.

Tarot Ethical Statement

The Tarot Ethical Statement is available for download in either Adobe PDF format or Microsoft Word. [ Links open in a new window.] [PDF] [Doc] Please help us guard the integrity of your membership by never sharing your username and password with anyone.

Minutes and Motions

The American Tarot Association has an elected Board of Directors that oversee the organization. The Board meets on a regular basis.


The ATA Board of Directors

The American Tarot Association Board of Directors includes a wide variety of Tarot readers, authors, and professionals from all over the American Tarot community. To contact any of them, simply click their names in the bio entries below as well as any of the ATA staff.


 President Duties

  • Is a member of the Board of Directors
  • Preside over board meetings as Chair of the Board of Directors
  • Ensure that the Board and other ATA staff and volunteers perform their duties
  • Be the public face of the American Tarot Association
  • Respond to letters and emails that the ATA receives from the public
  • Interact with the press in conjunction with the Board
  • Responsible for periodic audits and reviewing said audits with Board
  • Responsible for ensuring there is a grievance mechanism in place
  • Has direct oversight of the Membership Coordinator and any other paid staff, in conjunction with the Board
  • Stays current on activities, conferences, organizations and other doings in the broader tarot community
  • Is knowledgeable about tarot history, professional tarot reading and tarot ethics


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Eliot is that rare creature, a native of New York City who still lives there. He brings to the ATA Board over 20 years experience in public relations and business consultation through a small business he and his wife Saundra run. The couple also own and operate a highly esteemed community newspaper covering Manhattan’s storied Hell’s Kitchen community, just west of Times Square. Additionally, Eliot has written and sold six screenplays and has worked as a “Play Doctor” for several productions. Currently, Eliot has a play optioned for Broadway under the terms of a Dramatists Guild contract.  New Yorkers know of Eliot through the many letters he has had published in the NY Times and the Sunday Times Magazine.

Eliot has been an ardent devotee of the Tarot since he picked up his first set of cards almost 30 years ago. From there, as is probably the case with most if not all ATA members, Eliot began traveling a road that led to many other fascinating and rewarding Esoteric Disciplines.  He has a large collection of rare Esoteric books as well as many Tarot Decks, almost all of which he uses regularly for himself and for clients/friends.  For the record, his favorite decks are The Aquarian Tarot and the Vandenborre BacchusTarot (alas, not an original).

Having a position on the Board of such a widely known and respected group as the ATA is a great honor for Eliot. He eagerly looks forward to the next 2 years.

Vice President of Communication Duties

  • Supervises the editors of the ATA Quarterly and Tarot Reflections. The VP may have to serve as editor if that position is vacant.
  • Writes press releases
  • Keeps informed about tarot-related topics in the media and drafts responses for the ATA in the form of letters to the editor, press releases, or articles.
  • Writes flyers, advertisements, and other written communications at the direction of the board.


VP of Education is currently open.

VP of Education Duties

  • Is a member of the Board of Directors
  • Is responsible for writing curriculum
  • Is responsible for overseeing the teaching lists
  • Is responsible for recruiting mentors and teachers
  • Is responsible for assigning mentors to members who request them


VP of Outreach is currently open.

 VP of Outreach Duties

  • Is a member of the Board of Directors;
  • Is responsible for public relations;
  • Is responsible for membership outreach;
  • Is responsible for marketing;
  • Is responsible for Volunteer Coordinating;
  • assists the President and other Board members as needed; and
  • will abide by the ATA bylaws and code of ethics.


Secretary is currently open

Secretary Duties

  • Is a member of the Board of Directors
  • Prepare the agenda, minutes, and list of motions for the formal meetings of the ATA Board of Directors.
  • Create tasks lists for each board member from the final minutes.
  • Keep a record of policies and other decisions established by the Board of Directors during its ongoing e-mail discussions.
  • Keep a book containing hard copies of minutes, motions, policies and decisions, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation
  • Prepare an Annual Report summarizing the activities of the Board of Directors.
  • Maintain control of the Corporate Seal.
  • Type correspondence and other documents at the request of board members.



This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Tracy began her own Tarot journey on New Year's Eve, 1996, using the Robin Wood deck. She has been an accounting professional with the same hotel for over twenty years and has served as our Treasurer since the summer of 2002.









Treasurer Duties

  • Is a member of the Board of Directors
  • Is responsible for financial & legal records
  • Prepares regular financial statements & tax returns




Member at Large is currently open.

Member-at-Large Duties

  • A voting member of the Board of Directors
  • Attend board meetings
  • Participate in the board’s email discussions
  • Assist other board members with their tasks
  • Handle special projects as assigned by the President



The ATA Staff

The American Tarot Association Staff includes a wide variety of interesting people. To contact any of them, simply click their names in the bio entries below.


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Rickey is a rank beginner in Tarot, but has a wide variety of decks he uses. He is known to always have a deck handy.

While not a Board member, Rickey does our record keeping, database maintenance, programming our free reading networks, packing and shipping course material, and maintaining our website. In fact, he's the fellow you talk to when you call our toll-free number: 888-211-1572.





Membership Coordinator Duties

  • Process new and renewed memberships
  • Send renewal notices to current members whose membership is about to expire
  • Send educational booklets and CDs to members when purchased
  • Maintain a supply of educational material by burning CDs and printing booklets
  • Maintain the membership database and post it regularly to the board’s webpage
  • Answer the ATA’s phone. Respond to phone queries or forward them to the appropriate board member or committee.
  • Maintain regular office hours as determined by the Board
    • Current office hours are 12-2pm EST
  • Collect the US Mail and answer it
  • Verify membership of people asking for members’ services
  • Sign members up for the 800 number or an email forwarder
  • Monitor ATA’s email and respond or forward to the appropriate board member or committee
  • Print and mail the quarterly newsletter (added task, not integral to the position)