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Other Aspects of Tarot

  1. I don’t really want to read for anyone. Is Tarot still valuable to me?
  2. Can I read for myself?
  3. I am a writer. Where can I get my Tarot articles published?


I don’t really want to read for anyone. Is Tarot still valuable to me?

Yes. The twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana represent a journey and are a perfect roadmap for a major project. Picking a card daily on which to meditate is a focused way of centering and clarifying daily goals. Choosing a card to represent a goal and performing a ritual to express this desire to the universe is another way of directing energies in a very specific way. Some people call this Tarot spell work. In the corporate world, people do the same thing and call it creative visualization. Even using the images on the cards for inspiration for short stories, artwork and musical compositions is possible.


Can I read for myself?

Every reader must discover this. In order to read for yourself you must exercise the candor and honesty you offer a client. If you find you tend to soften the message (or are too hard on yourself) when reading for yourself, don’t do it. I personally pull a card a day to give me insight into my strengths and weaknesses on any given day, but I would never be able to do a complete reading for myself. Exchanging readings with another reader is an excellent way to get regular readings without incurring a great expense. In my city, there are numerous Healing Circles where readers and practitioners come together and share their talents. If there is not something like this where you live, you may be able to develop a monthly gathering of a few readers for the purpose of sharing readings.


I am a writer. Where can I get my Tarot articles published?

Within the ATA there are two publications seeking submissions year round. The Quarterly and Tarot Reflections both offer opportunities to see your articles and reviews published. Submissions should be sent to the Quarterly and Tarot Reflections Editors at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There are numerous other publications, ezines and websites seeking submissions.


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