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Tarot Reading


  1. What preparations are necessary before I read for the first time?
  2. How should the cards be shuffled and dealt?
  3. What spreads should I use?
  4. Do I have to read with reversals?


What preparations are necessary before I read for the first time?
You will read that decks must be smudged, buried in the ground through a full moon and put under your pillow for seven nights before you begin using them. Whatever ritual you decide is right for you is the ritual you should follow. Honestly, my first deck I just opened up and started using it with no ritual whatsoever.


How should the cards be shuffled and dealt?
Again, what feels right for you is right. Ten different books may tell you ten different ways. Find the ritual that is right for you.


What spreads should I use?
Again, for fear of sounding like a broken record, find the spreads that work for you. "Power Tarot" by Trish MacGregor and Phyllis Vega is loaded with many spread possibilities. There is also the possibility of creating a unique spread to fit a particular query.


Do I have to read with reversals?
Not at all. Many readers do not. You will have access to more information if you use additional aspects to your readings; however, instead of reversals, you may choose numerology, astrology, Kaballah or any number of other elements to enrich your readings.

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