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ATA Courseware

This comprehensive introduction for the beginning student teaches everything you need to know to begin reading Tarot for yourself and others. Each section contains exercises so you can practice what you learn right away. Available on downloadable PDF files.

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ATA Courseware
Table of Contents

ATA 100 - Introduction to Tarot

ATA 101 - Intuitive Tarot Reading

ATA 102 - Sorting Things Out Part I: Major Arcana

  • 102a - Journeys through the Major Arcana
  • 102b - Using the Major Arcana in Readings

ATA 103 - Sorting Things Out Part II: The Pips

  • 103a - Suit Correspondences and Elemental Associations
  • 103b - Numerological Correspondences

ATA 104 - Sorting Things Out Part III: Court Cards

  • 104a - Developing Personality Profiles
  • 104b - Elemental and Astrological Associations
  • 104c - Using Court Cards in Readings

ATA 105 - Beginning to Read

  • 105a - Reading for Yourself
  • 105b - Using a Tarot Journal
  • 105c - Overcoming Reader's Block
  • 105e - Ethics for Beginning Tarot Readers

Excerpt from: Course 102b. Using the Major Arcana in Readings

This chapter covers important things you need to know when working with trumps in a reading, including what it means to get a trump in a reading, and where they fall within the numerological and elemental cycles we have already learned. Astrological uses of the trumps are also covered, for those with an interest in and knowledge of astrology.
What Does it Mean to Receive a Trump in a Reading?
Trumps are special and important cards, and they deserve a prominent place in our readings. One of the first things we should do when scanning a reading of any size is to notice whether there are any trumps, what reading positions they fall into, and what proportion of the cards received are trumps. Here are some ideas about what it means to receive one or more trumps in a reading:

Excerpt from Course 104c. Using Court Cards in Readings

In this lesson, we will practice a variety of ways of using court cards in readings, including as significators, as persons influencing the situation, as aspects of the mind or personality, and as activities or approaches. In addition, we will discuss how to handle reversed court cards and deal with gender issues in readings.
Court Cards as Significators
A significator is a card that is used to represent the querant in a reading. It can be added to any reading, but is never required. A significator can be used to tell you something about the client’s personality or lifestyle, making it easier to interpret the reading. It may also tell you how the client feels or sees herself in the situation being asked about. A significator provides a sense that the client is an integral part of the reading, and can even provide a physical presence for the client when the reading is done over the phone or by e-mail. Significators are typically placed as the first card in the reading, either in the center of the layout or above and off to one side, as if observing. Alternatively, a significator can be chosen and then shuffled into the deck, to see if it turns up in the reading.