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Special Topics in Tarot

Three courses for the advanced student using an esoteric approach to understanding Tarot based on the Golden Dawn’s teachings. Special Topics are available only to ATA members.

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Special Topics
Table of Contents

A Mystical System for Reading Tarot

Part Zero     Introduction
Part One     The Elements
Part Two     The Beginning
Part Three     Childhood
Part Four     Adolescence
Part Five     Adulthood
Part Six     Our Spiritual Journey
Part Seven     Mystical Tarot Spreads

Excerpt from Part Seven – Mystical Tarot Spreads

Any of the tarot spreads you already know and use can be used for doing mystical tarot readings. Just keep in mind the reading may take on a spiritual emphasis. For this reason alone you may find it better to use a certain deck for your mystical readings and meditations. This becomes your private spiritual path deck so to speak. Use it whenever your client raises a spiritual issue or when your intuition tells you this is going to be a spiritual reading.
In general, spreads using fewer cards can be used for spiritual readings. The cards will come straight to the point quickly and identify the things your client needs to address. This allows you more time to be a consultant or counselor, to help the client resolve his or her spiritual issues and get on with his or her life.

An Astrological System for Reading Tarot

Part Zero    Introduction
Part One   The Signs of the Zodiac
Part Two   The Planets
Part Three   The Signs and the Planets
Part Four   The Planets and the Tarot Cards
Part Five   The Signs of the Zodiac and the Tarot Cards
Part Six   The Court Cards
Part Seven    Astrological Spreads

Excerpt from Part Five

Anytime you draw one of the major arcana cards associated with one of the signs, you apply your knowledge of both the sign and it's ruler to the reading. For example, say you drew The Hierophant, The Lovers and The Sun. For the first card you would consider both Taurus and it's ruler Venus which is represented by the Empress. For the second card you'd consider both Gemini and Mercury which is the Magician. And for the third card you'd consider both the Sun and Leo which is represented by the Strength card.
Now you have assigned the planets and the signs to each of the forty pip cards and to each of the twenty-two major arcana cards. All that's left is to define the court cards and look at some ideas for tarot spreads.

A Numerological System for Reading Tarot

Part Zero   Introduction
Part One    The Elements
Part Two    The Elements and the Tarot Cards
Part Three   The Numbers
Part Four    The Numbers and the Elements
Part Five    The Numbers and the Tarot Cards
Part Six    Elemental Spreads
Part Seven   Numerological Spreads

Excerpt from Part Three – The Numbers

Anytime you draw one of the major arcana cards associated with one of the signs, you apply your knowledge of both the sign and it's ruler to the reading. For example, say you drew The Hierophant, The Lovers and The Sun. For the first card you would consider both Taurus and it's ruler Venus which is represented by the Empress. For the second card you'd consider both Gemini and Mercury which is the Magician. And for the third card you'd consider both the Sun and Leo which is represented by the Strength card.